AWS Solutions Architect Associate (SAA)


AWS Solutions Architect Associate (SAA)

AWS Solutions Architect Associate (SAA) - [PASSED]

經過了幾週的準備,終於通過了SAA的考試 (82% PASS)。以此紀錄以及分享一下準備的過程。

With a few weeks of preparation, I passed the AWS SAA certificate exam with an 82% score. And I will step by step to introduce how I prepare it.

事前準備 Preparation


The first time I use AWS was in 2016, those services below are I’ve been studying:

EC2 (EBS, EC2 RI), LB, ASG VPC (subnet, Route Table, Peering connection) ECS / OpsWorks / Beanstalk S3 Lambda Cloudwatch / CloudwatchLogs


一開始先閱讀 AWS 官方的考試指南是一定要的。 但我建議閱讀FAQ就好,因為白皮書太多東西了,有時間再看就好。

First of all, you need to read the AWS official whitpapers. But I do not really recommend the read this, that is too much to read. If you don’t wanna sepend too much time on it, yo...


