究境聯合Office aaa

Officeaaa究境聯合建築師事務所由沈弘軒、魏子鈞和吳承軒在2013年創立,三人先後由英國倫敦大學及荷蘭BerlageInstitute留學工作回來後投入建築實務與研究教學, ...

究境聯合Office aaa

Covid-19改變了人們的生活/社交方式,「聚集」似乎成了現今社會的敏感詞彙。後疫情的時代來臨,面對新的世界,社會體系該如何維繫下去? 「貨櫃屋」(Primitive Hut) 帶我們回歸原始,重新探討「聚集|火爐」所衍生的人文意義,再次找回人文發展的起源,並重燃我們對於新生命及新生活的冀望。

Covid-19 has changed how we live and socialize. “Assembly of people” has seemed to become a sensitive term in modern society. With the arrival of the post-pandemic era, how can the existing social system continue in the new world? This work, Primitive Hut, is intended to take us to the beginning of human civilizations, revisit the social meanings of “people assembling around the fire”, and rekindle our hope for a new life and a new way of living.


