
民國六十七年:1.為謀求一元化,促進經營合理化,並配合政府鼓勵企業合併發展工業之政策,合併「味王醬油罐頭工業股份 ...


民國四十八年: 1.四月,本公司原名「中國醱酵工業股份有限公司」,於臺北成立。 2.九月,於樹林鎮籌建味精廠乙座,命名為「臺北廠」,並與日本「協和発酵工業株式会社」技術合作,引進該公司發明之醱酵法專利技術和全套自動化設備,翌年八月臺北廠建廠完成,開始生產味精。 1959 1.The company was originally named “China Fermentation Industry Co., Ltd.” and was established in Taipei in April. 2.In September of the same year, one monosodium glutamate plant was built in Shulin Township and was named the Taipei Plant. The company entered into technical cooperation with Japans Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co., Ltd. and introduced its patented fermentation technology and a full set of automation equipment. The construction of the Taipei Plant was completed in August of the following year and started the production of MSG.

民國五十三年: 首次增資,擴建設備,增加產量,並將公司股票申請上市,成為公開上市之大眾投資公司。 1964 The company launched a capital increase for the first time to expand equipment and ...


