
陳敦欣建築師在美國、中國、東南亞、臺灣等地方主持參與土地房產開發、大型公共工程、學校機構、住宅、社區開發、退休中心、醫學中心、大型購物中心、辦公、商業綜合 ...


適用範圍 The building is an inviting place to human occupants 建築是個吸引人使用的地方 Whether it is rationalearthliness, traditionalmodern. We concerned not only with the main street facade we designed a total architecture with user participation. The building experienced respect for its neighbors, context, ecology and times. The design works for its inted purpose through tem integration, 設計工作是通過系統整合達到預期目的 does it matter whether it is modern, post modern, traditional, classical,whatever classification one wants to give it? We like kinds of form and styles and Modern Art with deep roots in the buildings. The architecture is born with social life. 建築是與生俱來社會生命 Design of Social Architecture is Planning for People 社會建築的設計是為人規劃


